Advisory Committee

According to NEPAFE's constitution, the Executive Committee can form an Advisory Committee of not exceeding 9 members to advise EC and the Association’s activities. The members of the Advisory Committee are selected from among the highly- experienced and highly reputed and recognized academicians and scientists from agriculture, forestry, and environmental management, or in allied fields, based in Australia or Nepal.

The Terms of Reference of the Advisory Committee are as follows:

1- Key stakeholder mapping and engagement

2- Proactively promoting scientific and technological developments to members and key stakeholders

3- Champion the provision of objective advice on the pertinent issues on Agriculture, Forestry and Environment to key stakeholders

4- Providing advice on relevant topics, and the quality, relevance, and currency of technical and scientific content to be produced and disseminated by NEPAFE to its members and wider community.

5- Provide suggestion in preparing relevant position papers, MoU, guidance materials and any other publications addressing scientific and technological developments

6- Advise rolling plans for NEPAFE scientific conventions and major satellite meetings, including advising themes for these events

7- Availing own selves or suggesting relevant experts as speakers for conventions, seminars and webinars

8- Setting standards for scientific events, regarding quality, relevance, and currency of the technical and scientific content, and

9- Advising relevant changes in the policy, procedures and scope of NEPAFE Responding to any guidance, advisory or mentoring request of NEPAFE executive committee on priority basis.

Advisory Committee 2024-26

Dr. Jagadish Timsina (Melbourne, VIC)
Chief Advisor

Senior Fellow, Evergreening Alliance
Senior Agricultural Sciences Advisor, IFSD

Dr. Hemant Ojha (Sydney, NSW)

Principal Advisor, Institute for Study and Development Worldwide (IFSD)

Prof. Tek Maraseni (Toowoomba, QLD)

Professor, University of Southern Queensland

Dr. Sita Ram Ghimire (ACT)

Agronomist, Department of Agriculture, Government of Australia

Dr. Aneeta Pradhan (WA)

University of Western Australia, Evolutionary Biologist, Molecular Biologist

Advisory Committee 2022-24

Dr. Jagadish Timsina (Melbourne, VIC)

Senior Fellow, Evergreening Alliance
Senior Agricultural Sciences Advisor, IFSD

Dr. Hemant Ojha (Sydney, NSW)

Principal Advisor, Institute for Study and Development Worldwide (IFSD)

Dr. Tek Maraseni (Toowoomba, QLD)

Professor, University of Southern Queensland

Dr. Phul Subedi (Rockhampton, QLD)


Dr. Rajendra Adhikari (QLD)

Lecturer in Agribusiness, The University of Queensland

Dr. Basu Dev Regmi (WA)

The University of Western Australia, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

Dr. Kedar Adhikari (NSW)

Senior Plant Breeder at University of Sydney

Dr. Jay Dhungel (NSW)

Senior Research Fellow, IFSD, Agriculture system and sustainable development

Dr. Aneeta Pradhan (WA)

University of Western Australia, Evolutionary Biologist, Molecular Biologist